Yesterday night (28/9), Nubhan had a show at BB Plaza and he sang 3 songs - Segaris bulan sabit(his hari raya song), Gadis Melayu and Ada untukmu. i went with my husband after we had break our fast at home. the show was scheduled at 8.30pm. i reached BB Plaza at 8pm. once i got there, i saw that the place where the show supposed to be is quite small and i thought i had the wrong place so i went to the Sg Wang side and there was also a stage and a show already on the way. i stay there for a while but i did not see any of the nubies gang there. so i call one of them and they said they were already there. so i guess all of them are at the BB Plaza and there they were. We did not have to wait long as by 8.30pm nubhan was there.
this is his autograph to me
After the autograph signing was over, we nubies got a personal Hari Raya card from nubhan. Thanks a lot nub.
me and nubhan backstage
A group photo before nubhan went home to his hometown in Juasseh, Negeri Sembilan directly that night. Luckily his friend is driving as he is still recovering from his back pain.